Wednesday 3 April 2013

Warts and all

I hope you've had a good Easter weekend. I know I did.The weather is still cold though. Freezing for April. So here's a pic I hope will  make you feel a bit warmer and cheerful.

A couple of weeks ago the message in church was on prayer. The speaker went through a whole bunch of situations with prayer that we could relate to.  For example, if you had ever fallen asleep praying, or had your mind drift while you were trying to pray, then "join the club".  I bet you have your own "join the club list". It just reminded me that God accepted us with our weaknesses and faults. Or as the saying goes, he accepts us 'Warts and all'. So whatever you are doing this next week for him, keep going. No matter how much you think you have messed it up. We all struggle sometimes in our walk of faith. Remember he accepts you as you are.  Rejoice in his love for you this week "warts and all". Stay blessed.
Annie XXX

PS. If you have time read my inteview in,%20Lmh%20Mag.html


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