Sunday, 24 July 2011

Another Week

Another week done. Been a really busy week at work, so the weekend( started after 2.30 on sat for me) was very welcome. Sunshine made it even better!!
I have been reflecting this week on all that's good in my life. Work might be busy, but I have a job. I have my health, a place to sleep, food to eat, the list goes on.
I'm just so happy that God is so good to me, even though I don't deserve all his goodness. Why wasn't the Norway shooting somewhere where I was? Why did I never get reliant on drugs? It's nothing to do with who I am, it's all just grace.

I'm reminded of the song that goes:
Show me the prison
Show me the jail
Show me the prisoner
Whose life has gone astray.
And I will show you someone
With so many reasons why
There is but for Jesus
Goes you or I, you or I

Be thankful this week, when people or situations are difficult.
Life could be much worse.
Stay cool, stay blessed.

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